Hi, my name is Nicoleta
I'm the Frontend Developer you need.

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Quick learning web developer with a year of self-taught experience and recently successfully graduated from Le Wagon’s intensive Web Development Boot-camp. Sharp-eyed for good front-end implementation and expanding back-end knowledge. Passionate for accessibility and sustainable solutions.

I'm passionate about watercolor painting and customizing clothing, and I absolutely love serene nature walks. My ideal day starts with an energizing early morning yoga session – it's the perfect way to kick things off!

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Target: Young people who are looking for an easier way to share and discover music with their friends

Pain: There's no one platform dedicated to sharing music with only your friends

Solution: A platform to share the music that means the most to you, with the people that mean the most to you

Originality: daily new content. community-focused. playlist management

Our team collaborated synchronously, leveraging our strengths, to create a platform called Wavelength. This platform allows us to share music with friends daily, without being kicked out of the group chat because we like to share too much music and also foster the creation of meaningful memories and gaining insights into each other's musical preferences.

We utilized a range of technologies, including Ruby on Rails, CSS, SCSS components, HTML, and JavaScript , along with APIs, to develop a full-stack application that we take great pride in.

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Yacht Forever

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More Projects Coming Soon!


e-mail: msnicoleta@outlook.com